Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | Part 17 | The Plan Step 8
"Watch your back! "

Step 8
Interviewer: Welcome Winston and Jack (JFK), who would like to go first?
JFK: Very soon as we have said before, things will start happening and they are not pleasant.
However, within a few days things will commence and get back to normal. You’ll all be surprised with the speed at which you can arrive at fast acting solutions.
Working in teams nothing will be as it seems, however with courage and determination things will soon turn around and strength will be found.
Winston: We are pleased to continue advising you. It takes courage to heed all that we are saying - we understand how you feel but really you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Firstly, practice your plan from Step 3* again:
Practicing your escape route is most important.
Leave in an orderly fashion, no panicking but time is of the essence.
Don’t delay your departure, take your survival packs & don’t forget your macs.
There will come a time soon when you will wish to heed our warning. Do not be frightened or let your fear show, you know you’ve got this so just go.
Interviewer: Thanks Winston. So, what is Step 8 about?
Winston: Sadly, by Step 8 you will have assessed the situation and know exactly what you are dealing with.
It is a time to bury old hatchets and come up with a new plan - that all surviving citizens can follow for the good of man.
You’ll be surprised by the things that have happened by now.
Together your communities will have come on through & created new houses that you can all walk through. Halls & schools, swimming pools too. It’s amazing how time flies when the goals are true.
There’s plenty of time now to laugh & play, the sunshine will return & brighten the day.
Happiest you will be when you share a meal, it’s hard to imagine how you feel but you’ll accomplish so much and we are proud of you for such.
Step 8 is all about:
Gaining back what you have lost
Making your way through the cold & frost
Salvaging what you can
Remembering it is for the greater good of man
Not stealing from others, because you are all brothers
Respecting one another
Bringing law & order back in from the chaos.
Step 8 opens the gate to a new way of thinking, a new way of working, a new way of living. As John says, in teams you will work hurriedly, such a mess. The cleanup is huge but with great speed you’ll be able to lead yourselves out of this transition and onto a new pathway, where you can rebuild as if remodeling with clay.
You’ll not sit idol there is much to be done, even at last you’ll get a peak at the sun, shining on through to give you strength and courage.
Those oligarchs (the evil ones) can see that you’re all as determined as we are, to turn this around as quickly as possible. Clean up the mess created by them and their masters.
Battle on through, there’s much to do. It is like cleaning up after a massive war. Still, we are lucky and know the score. Many will survive, some needing help to keep them alive.
The infrastructure will all be in place. Just a matter of fixing whatever has gone, remembering that man can start over again.
Stick together like birds of a feather...
..there may be some people who have remained still enchained to the oligarchs, so watch your back and be ready to flee... for all is not perfect yet but don’t forget ‘carry on like this for a few days yet and help will come’ so please don’t forget.
Freedom won’t come at any price. Do remember to share those bags of rice, for sharing and caring is what it’s all about.
A new day will dawn, a new life will spawn, from the depths of despair you will all climb the stairs (metaphorically of course) to a new way of life but still do beware it’s not over yet.
The battle is not complete.
They will come for some of you – the ones they have marked. Do guard one another around the clock if you can, for now they are very frightened by man.

JFK & Winston: Step 8 you see is also about winning against ‘the evil ones’ that are left on Earth.
The time is not yet when all is good. In fact, there are evil ones in your neighbourhood. Just relax for now and listen up. As we have said as you read this, the time is coming soon when you will hear the boom. We are sorry but this is so. You will all know. We remind you again, put your plan into action and in time you will see the rebirth of a nation. In the middle of the night, they will try and frighten you all again. We are ashamed of them.
Sadly it is true they will try and stop you.
Step 8 is carrying on the fight.
All is not well yet, but you must not forget your vision for the future and how it should be, for that is how mankind is when free.
Stay strong.
Their plans are indeed thwarted. Guard one another 24/7 as they will try & round up those who have rebuilt from the chaos & fear.
Continue at this time to hold your loved ones close, yet return to work in essential roles, hospitals, electricity and those that clear the snow. The utilities that we have all come to know, like the water that so easily flows from our taps at home.
Get these on the go.
Remember it is man that actually does all the work and they are the evil ones that have thrashed the whips on mankind you see, they’ll try it on again until we are free.
Remember it is man that does all the work.
If you are in a position of responsibility, don’t hesitate to get together with your colleagues to set everything back in motion and free us from all the extra emotion of having to worry about the things that can easily be fixed. It is mankind at this point that has all the tricks.
So onward & upwards to & fro remember it’s mankind that can make things go. Back to work we make things flo.
There is evil still around, don’t think that they’ve all gone but remember we have shone like the stars above & you who remain will have happiness again.

Winston: By now you will see many things, things you can’t believe that you will see. You’ll be very happy & smiling with glee.
This is a brand-new time, not a time to flee, except for those who have been marked by the evil ones who still try to reign, although they are derailed, like a train.
Look after one another, watch each other’s back. Remember why we called in (JFK) Jack. It’s because he had a great vision for man. You all can do it, you really can.
Now JFK has something more to say.
JFK: I’m really happy that so many people have taken the time to read our words. From where you are sitting, they seem absurd, but there will be a day, so bright like heaven on a summer’s day. Sadly Step 8 is not for this time.
It precedes it in time and it’s something to look forward to like a well fermented wine.
So, Step 8 is also about not wanting to hesitate, rebuilding, restructuring with many heads that won’t wait.
The councils are gone, useless they were, the government’s imposed itself out of nowhere.
Really you all do this of your own accord, marching on with a purpose, out of the trenches to the winning post.
It’s amazing how you do this and it’s when we smile the most.
Remember we are here to give you a helping hand. Remember all this while you are safe for now. Remember this plan and this step is for you, to ensure you don’t forget.
The passing of days will come quickly now. Relax and enjoy as we’ve said before.
A new door is opening for mankind.
Winston: We are proud of you all & all that you have done, you’ve stood out like poppies, very tall. Taking risks, no man should have to take. Just believe this is not all a mistake.
The times ahead will be happier still. There will be grief but take a chill pill, for we will survive it.
Remember we are by your side, confident & proud of all you do.
By the end of this step the children will be back at school. A new day will dawn with brand new tools.
Happy we are to be here by your side and guide you as much as we can.
Remember it is they that end up in the frying pan.
*Read Step 3 here
Remember if you already live in the country or an isolated area, we believe this is the safest place to be.
