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Step 17 | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill's Plan to Empower us today | Part 26


Updated: 6 hours ago

Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | The Plan Step 17

Eutopia is the word that comes to mind. That’s what you’re working together for - now that you’re not blind.

Photo courtesy of

To summarise where we are at by the time we reach this Step 17:

·        We began by naming, shaming & sharing the ‘evil ones’ deeds.

·        We started to think of how we wanted the world to be.

·        We put our ‘just in case’ plan into action (months back).

·        There were people still doing the evil ones’ work, so we watched each other’s backs

·        There was no stealing and we treated each other like sisters and brothers.

·        Looking after the children and ensuring they had fun was paramount.

·        We evaluated the situation and a huge cleanup & rebuild began.

·        Essential workers returned to their jobs.

·        Many of us helped farmers and food producers get back on track.

·        Children returned to school for new learning & play.

·        At Step 13 our leaders left to meet other leaders from afar.

·        At Step 14 we were discussing in depth, the plan the leaders brought back.

·        Step 15 was their Christmas message to us

·        Step 16 advice on the Southern Californian fires.


Interviewer: Welcome everyone. John & Winston, Firstly we would love to know how the Southern Californians are doing now?

JFK: They are doing extremely well. Believe it or not there are a lot of them following the plan. They are sticking up for themselves and all their rights, although quite often they have to fight, they know they are right.

The greedy ones won’t get away with it this time.

As we have said before, you are the sublime. Those that have started this exercise first will be heroes someday but for now carry on rebuilding your homes.

 Safety first and ignore those drones that they may try again as a last ditched attempt – really they know they have lost, so carry on. You can do this. Rebuild your beautiful homes, fight the fights where you can. Don’t let them win.

Believe in yourself and believe in others. Remember we are all sisters and brothers.


Interviewer: What about the floods that they sent through?

JFK: They (the evil ones) are nasty & vindictive and will try anything at this time.

Don’t let them win.


Interviewer: Winston, anything further?

Winston: Follow the plan. Follow the plan. Follow the plan. Keep on working together as one. You can do this. Fight for what is right. Stay safe. We are with you all the way. They have done such a despicable evil thing. Don’t let them win.

Interviewer: Thank you! That is great news. Please now go ahead with Step 17.


JFK: Come what may Step 17 is when a wonderful thing occurs.

The simple things in life have become great pleasures. More than you would believe. They are GREAT treasures.

You are working together now, following the plan that the leaders have come back with, for the betterment of man.

If you’re not excited by their news, tell them of the changes you envisage and the path that you choose. Don’t beat about the bush at this time, just come out and say what’s on your mind and how you wish things to pan out.

Many meetings take place, you are all well informed and working as one, you feel that peace has begun to work its way into everyday life and far away seems the trouble and strife.


Communication is clear, newspapers tell the truth. In some towns there is even a town crier or two.

Always it seems that things are easier now, even when in winter the roads must be ploughed. For winter it is in my native America by this step of the plan, while the sun beats down where you are interviewer.

Many plans are made and shared with each other, so many instructions to follow but so much easier to swallow because now they make sense and it’s easy to see that the plans are for the benefit of all.


Step 17 you will remember in time, the joys and the love that did abound as you all took over the world as we know it. So much joy in our work, a change of job for some but never sitting around doing nothing.

Sometimes you look back on the way things were, but it’s forward you go at a pace that seems slow. The interconnected way that you all work, means results on the go and happiness for all, means it is not slow.

Step 17 is all about results that come fast and you all having a blast, happy at last.

Photo courtesy of

Step 17 sees each village and county, each city and country, up and running like never before. It’s hard to believe but life is never a bore. There’s plenty of time for fun and laughter but so much to do and to think about after.

Carry on at this point while the leaders meet again, some face to face, some on the telephone. Already things are up & running but it’s better this time, so happy are we, that we got rid of the slime.

It’s impossible to see how the evil ones brought you to your knees in this wonderful world that is being created. This is when you take a bow, all the infrastructure, the whys and the how are coming together so easily now.

There is no turning back. Just leaps and bounds forward. It really is a wonderful time.


Many of you who fought off the slime with your words, actions and bravery realised early the steps into slavery, that were planned so long ago by the evil ones.

The courage you had saved the human race, enabling a new world. Enabling this world to really take place.

You will see by this step, that all your joint actions together have made this new day dawn. A new world really has been born.


The days seem to merge easily into one as people continue to work as one. Everyone believes we have won. And it’s true, WE have won.

Banished from the lands, the evil ones have gone, as we take back our power with old lessons undone. It’s all about the future.

Even the children out at play seem to realise the freedom that exists, the smiles and the laughter; they too feel the bliss. Long forgotten are the memories of the black night or two.


Step 17 is about implanting the new life. Turning your back on thoughts of trouble & strife.

Everything continues to fall into place. Everyone is working at a good pace and there is time to rest, leisure is back in style. Even though it took a little while, things really are humming along.

It’s a time of listening to others and the leaders too.

Enjoying each day as it comes to you.

It’s enjoying each other with tales to tell. New adventures await. It’s an exciting time; anything is possible and you don’t have to spend a dime.

Nothing to worry about now, as there is so much guidance and the leadership is great. You are always kept up to date.

Step 17 continues to carve a new place in history that is full of mystery, wonder and surprise. It is truly a magnificent time to be alive.

Carry on following your leaders. Look after the children and the mothers too.

A new day is dawning without warning where happiness permeates the very air you breathe and plans are put into action with so much ease.

Eutopia is the word that comes to mind. That’s what you’re working together for now that you’re not blind. Still a little way to go, so enjoy the ebb and flow.

Interviewer: Winston, do you have anything to add?

Winston: It amazes us how far you’ve come and all the work that you have done to get on track so quickly now. It’s incredible really and we want you all to take a bow.

We have more steps to the plan you see but for now just enjoy feeling so free. We are proud of each and every one of you.

Interviewer: What would be the key takeaway from this step?

JFK: Moving forward take a quick look back. Look at how far you’ve come, although there is still work to be done, it’s incredible to see how you’ve worked as one.


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