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The Plan to 'Empower us' today | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill | Step 3 of their plan


Updated: Jan 16, 2024

John F. Kennedy | Winston Churchill | Part 11 | The Plan Step 3 | Advising us on what we must do today.

If they could, what would these two great leaders of yesterday advise us today?

Interviewer: Welcome Winston & John. Are you ready to impart Step 3 of your Plan to help & advise us?

JFK: We are. The plan is working well. People are still shouting out of all the wrongs that have been done to man and this needs to happen. Funnily enough it is working so well that they ‘the evil ones’ plans are thwart or stopped in their tracks. They are throwing arrows left right and centre at all of you and will continue to do so as they realise their downfall. They cannot be saved.

They will still try and hurt all of you.

DO NOT COMPLY. Do not go along with their evil plans. YOU MUST NOT.


The words on these pages that I am telling you will come true if you promise them – I promise you.

Have some faith in the power of mankind. Shout out all the wrongs that you find and dream the dreams of the life that you want - even down to your favourite dwelling place and what you want for the human race.

Step 3 is like climbing the tallest tree. Once you are up there the view is incredible.

Please continue to name and shame and speak to the best about the rest of the life that you would like to live.

It really is a time to give. No time for selfishness or measly deeds. This is what we need to do to succeed.

Step 3 of the plan is simple again. You’ve got to follow the men and the women of course, who you can trust as proven in the past. Meet with them in person where you can, so that we can stop the destruction of man.

You must reject 'their' the oligarchs/evil ones' plan 100%. All of it. They are evil and hell bent on the destruction of man – now, listen to the plan.

Step 3 we have woven into three. There is time but not much time.

'They' are attacking on all fronts. They are wild that their plans have gone wrong, so like arrows from the dark they bombard you and circle like sharks.

The darkest days are here.

Do say a prayer out loud if you can, to help us with our plan.

Succeed you will if you all pull together. Keep talking to your allies & listen to what I’m about to say:

We cannot go on with this charade as if it is a play. If something is wrong say it straight away then confer to your friends, yes make sure you meet them again.

It’s time to set off our rocket you see, for soon it will be they that start to plea.

The first part of Step 3 of the plan is not to go war anymore. If you are in the army or the navy on battleships you must turn your fleet around, return to port as if the war was over and the clock had struck midnight and there was nothing left to fight. Yes, I’m kidding - just wanted to get your attention for there is a battle ahead and it is coming from all sides.

Digital banking is such a farce. Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes or offer you incentives like McDonald’s French fries. It is a lie; it is a trap, and we will tell you more on that.

Our plan is coming together nicely. We are pleased with its progress. The right people are doing the right things: making phone calls, impressing on ears, forgetting about all the fears. Meeting and making great progress.

It is working.

It is like you have all been left to drift like a boat at sea, while they have the land, the food and the energy.

There will come a time when some of you will be snowbound, others will be playing in the sand, but a dark day will come. You have to be strong. You will know it when it comes. You must fight for your own survival, not give up in despair for they are here to pick up the pieces. Your land, your valuables, your assets they want for their own. They see themselves already on the throne and the world as their castle.

Winston please continue for us.

Winston: Step 3 is all about tying loose ends together. Change is coming and it’s coming fast. Some of you may hear a tiny blast. We have witnessed this all from above. What’s coming next is quite a surprise but not to all and there is no place to hide.

You must crow immediately when you hear of their plan.

Step 3 you will see and the message is clear here - you must stop them fooling around and here’s how we are going to do it:

No matter what religion or race, you must find a place that can settle you down for a night or two and a way to get there, an escape plan if you will.

Step 3 is easy. It’s your own escape route. Somewhere to stay for a day or two. You can pack a small bag. Be ready all at once, plan a route that you know and another that you don’t. Pick a place to stay out of town and be ready at all times.

This will allay any fear that you have. Pack a blanket or two, have some currency as well and emergency food.

Put this in an easily accessible place and tell all the family it’s just in case.

For those who have already done this we commend you – foresight is great and we hope it doesn’t come to this however it’s safer. Include your pets and of course your loved ones too. Some of you may have a little mini zoo.

Now that we’ve said this, we know you’re prepared. Food is essential as water is too.

Winston continues: We want you to know that we’re all here with you too. Something is coming and it doesn’t look good. You mustn’t be scared, just plan to get out of your neighbourhood* - to a place where you can all share.

Don’t worry about this, just be prepared.

With this in mind and a plan of escape, you can easily make it without mistakes.

If you have already done this, go over your plan and perhaps give your friends a boost and a hand.

You might want to pack a raincoat or two, a hat or a cap for each member too.

Remember the plan is easy to do. Believe in yourself and your neighbour too.

Tell your loved ones you love them and carry a spoon, utensils too and a flask for you. By flask I mean a carrying vessel for water. Your escape route must be clear and ready to pull out from nowhere - at the drop of a hat.

* If you already live in the country/an isolated area, we believe this is the safest place to be.

Interviewer: Thank you Winston. John, did you want to add anything?

JFK: So, this part is all about being prepared & remember to say a little prayer.

We are all here to guide you and help you so don’t despair. Keep dreaming of the future that you want to lie ahead and remember some of ‘them’ the oligarchs the evil ones will end up dead. We tell you this to give you hope. You can even remember to pack a bar of soap (and your shaving foam!)

Share this with your near and dear and it will help if we need to get out super quick – out of a fix.

Interviewer: Winston, did you want to say anything more about Digital banking/digital currency & ID's at this stage?

We hear it will be linked to climate change in some way.

Winston: Reject it. You must all reject Digital banking. It is just a load of codswallop. Get rid of it. Do NOT comply. They are laughable and should be the ones that cry.

JFK: Carry on with our plan. They are coming for you with full force now. Be prepared. Anything can happen but we are all with you. Don’t fret.

We’ll get their evil out of the way, paving the stones for a brand-new day: a day of joy, a day of hope.

There is a lot more of our plan to come.




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