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Part 9 | Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy advise us today!


Winston Churchill | John F. Kennedy | Part nine | Advising us on what we must do today

If they could, what would these two great leaders of yesterday advise us today?

The Oval Office, 9 April 1963: President John F. Kennedy signs Churchill’s honorary citizenship documents. L-R: Representative Frances P. Bolton (R.-Ohio); Senator Olin D. Johnston (D.-South Carolina); Sylvia Thomas Ormsby-Gore and British Ambassador to the United States David Ormsby-Gore; Representative Michael A. Feighan (D.-Ohio); Senator J. William Fulbright (D.-Arkansas); unknown; Representative Carl Vinson (D.-Georgia); Senator Leverett Saltonstall (R.-Massachusetts); unknown. (Photo by Robert L. Knudsen, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, public domain)

Interviewer: Winston, welcome. Do you have any news, updates for us & is the plan ready for us yet?

Winston: We have much news, have faith in us, we will deliver as promised. For now, things are going according to our plan.

From where we sit, they are all trying to flee. We would love to destroy 'them' the oligarchs (global elites), however it is not in our plan and would not help the continuation of man. Continue on with the plan, shout out all the wrongs, listen to what my brother in arms John F. Kennedy says and remember we have you all in our prayers.

The time is coming near when ‘they’ will get so desperate & fear that they are losing to ‘common old mankind’ who has a firm grip on their plan. Tallyho yes, that time is drawing near.

Carry on, carry on, carry on.

Interviewer: Thank you Winston. Is it time to bring in John F. Kennedy (JFK) now?

Winston: It is, it is indeed. And we are so excited that he is here again today. OK John, you will have your way.

Interviewer: It is a pleasure to have you here today. Please go ahead.

JFK: I am pleased that people are reading your ‘blog’ – it is such a silly name ‘blog’ but still, we have to log the way that we see things and guide you where we can.

What you are all shouting out is dynamite. It gets them all really uptight. Some of them can’t even sleep at night. They toss and they turn, they see their world burn and yet they know, ever so slow, they must make their plan work.

Through these darkest days of humanity, you will soon see a light in the darkness but first you must pray for forgiveness for all your sins but don’t dwell on it and now let us begin.

Humanity has to fight this. Sit back, be complacent while we write this, and they will win. It’s written in stone on my heart that this is the best place to start.

We are so proud of you who are telling of all the wrongs that have been done. Historically we never could have won. But as I said the internet is providing a mountain of relief. They can’t block you all out, really, they are such creeps.

Carry on for now, our plan is drawing near, very near and we will share. Never fear, for we are all here, guiding you and helping you along.

Please re-read my first comments in Part 8 of this series. It is my hope that it will give you inspiration and in turn hope for you and give you the courage that you need to get on with this with speed.

We will give you a clue of our plan ahead:

They don’t all wind up dead. It is God’s wish that they suffer as they have entrapped you all and made humanity feel insignificant and small.

Soon we will win this war. They really are unbelievably like a boar. Knowing their plan will send them underground. Once they realise the true power of man, they won’t be able to stand. Crawling through the depths of hell, more common than you and I can spell, they will be banished from this land and that is why we give you a helping hand.

Now come on, get this right.

It is truly time to fight.

Interviewer: Is there anything else you would like to close with? Winston? John?

Winston: They really are ratfinks.

JFK: Be strong my fellow Americans. Be strong for the world. The world needs you to set the example.

Keep shouting out, naming & shaming about all the wrongs that you find. Truly in time this will make a gigantic difference. I am proud of what you have all done to date. It is not too late. Carry on as Winston has said. Our plan is coming very, very soon.




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