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Part 3 | Advice from a world leader from yesterday, for us today


Winston Churchill | Part three | Advice on what we must do today

If this world leader could be interviewed today, he would be full of advice for each of us:

Interviewer: Do you think anyone will pick up and run with your suggestions/plan outlined already Winston?

Winston: Yes, I do. Many have the courage to go forward now.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful news. Do you have anything more for us today?

Winston: I do, I do indeed. The time has come to hurry this along.

Time is running out and a new pandemic is near. ‘They’ have had their meeting & have their plan intact & ‘they’ will launch it like an attack (again).

It is near impossible to defeat them, but we will.

Each and every one of you must stand tall so that each and every one of you can watch them fall.

Hurry it along by talking to your friends and family. Don’t doubt that this is the right thing to do.

I do have a plan as I said and what we have already spoken about in Part 2, is beginning to be well read: (Part 2 explained our current situation & Winston's plan for today's leaders in more detail)

Focus on the plan.

For it will be the folly of man if it is not distributed far and wide. This again is not a time to hide.

Each and every one of us has a part to play in this. Believe me if you honour this, there will be ultimate bliss for all mankind – all of humanity.

Talk to your friends, your colleagues, your family – about anything that seems untoward. They are counting on our fear, to muddy what should be very clear. Things are not right. It is time to fight. Yes, in a peaceful manner and this is the way we do it: We talk to our friends.

Our colleagues

Our sports teammates.

Our clubs

Our community

Our neighbours

And this will lead us out of the soup. It’s hard to imagine but this is the way. We must fight 'them' on all fronts, or it will all end in a catastrophe. You can do this; we can do this. Everyone can do this. Take the hand of a friend and talk.

At this stage this is the best thing to do. Get it all out in the open.

It is not a time to keep quiet or be silent, or yes, this will all end in violence. A silent violence that will penetrate the very heart of each and every one of us.

Perpetual fear is what ‘they’ count on, but they know not of the strength of mankind when we all stick together and are out in the open, leaving no word unspoken of their despicable plans, so well implemented to date.

It is up to us to decide our fate and fight as humanity; as humans rallying the troops. No guns, no violence. Building up community spirit, building up our own spirit – our own hopes & dreams for the future.

For those who do not yet believe, we can only leave them behind for now, fight on their behalf until they too are aroused.

There is no doubt in my mind that they will not be left behind.

Speak out of the wrongs, call out those who have done wrong. Name them & shame them. This is the only way. We cannot let them get away with it.

They will not get away with it.

This is the third part of my plan but the first part that everyone can do.

Keep talking- even with your neighbour. Don’t let this go on too long. We must call out everything they have done wrong. The time is now. Don’t stop.

To those who have already shouted out, our heartfelt thanks for the courage they show.

Now it is your turn, we must not let go. Our will to survive is very strong. Each and every one of us can do this. There is no wrong – for humanity can write a brand-new song. There is no wrong when you speak from the heart - this is the way to start.

Part 3 of the plan, I hope we are clear: You must speak to all those that are near. Tell them how you feel. Yes, do squeal on those who have done you or us wrong.

It’s not right that so many people are dying, so many people are injured.

There is a battle ahead, in fact we are in the throes of it now. Don’t worry that you can’t see it, they were very clever this time and planned and planned and planned this.

To those who have already shouted out and talked to their friends, family and even foes, I commend you. You have done a great thing for mankind.

Now we are all ready to expose! Carry on, carry on carry on.

For those that doubt these words, take the hand of someone strong; someone you believe in, you trust, that has done no wrong. Perhaps in time you will understand and you will also help the fellowship of man.

Interviewer: Thank you Winston. Was there anything else?

Winston: No, that is all for now.




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