Winston Churchill | Part Two | We must take action now - His Plan
If Churchill could be interviewed today, what would he say on:
Our Governments
The United Nations (UN)
& the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Winston: "This is a serious matter.
There’s a battle ahead although most don’t realise it, we must try our best to get through it. Try as we might sometimes it seems as though we are at a dead end. We have to push through, and this is what we have to do:
1. We must talk to our friends and family about the situation at hand:
So much is happening at once:
Businesses are failing.
Exports are halted.
Food crises are created.
There is a shortage of men to fight any war. (if that was, what was wanted)
There are many people in power who are corrupt.
2. We must not let things slide.
We should call it out when we see wrong and shame those by their names.
Every day they inch a little closer, but we have built up a wall.
3. We can stop them in no time at all if we all pull together and don’t worry about how it looks, because they are all crooks.

Interviewer: Winston, what would you say about the United Nations today in 2023 as compared to what you thought it would be, when you set it up with the others after the last World War? You and Truman looked so happy in the photo above.
Winston: It is a sham now. It is a crisis. It is not what we hoped to do.
People are using it for their own gain. It will never be the same again.
It should be pulled down. It is so corrupt.
It makes me cross to see what has happened – what we have allowed to happen over the years. In a few generations they have destroyed the outline for peace that we created in the hope that there would never be another world war. Backwards and forwards, to and fro, The United Nations really must go.
Interviewer: So, Winston, what you are saying is that the United Nations as you see it, has turned into a corrupt organization, not for the good of the people and definitely not for peace. Is that correct?
Winston: That is indeed what I said and that is what I meant. It is time for a change.
This cannot go on as it is.
It is up to the people to change and stop the corrupt powers that be.
It won’t be easy, but it can be done. Think about all the wars that we’ve won.
Manpower is our greatest tool. When we stick together and act as one, you will be surprised what can be won.

Interviewer: Are you OK to talk about The World Health Organisation Winston?
Winston: I am, I am indeed. It too makes me so cross. I would stomp up and down if I could. This world has gone mad, because of the people in charge of these very important organisations. It makes me cross because what they are doing is double crossing the people of the world. They are trying to hoodwink all of us, into a tragedy that must not be allowed to unfold.
Honestly, it leaves me out in the cold.
It was NOT what the organization was set up to do. Not what I envisaged that it would be.
Interviewer: Do you think that we can stop them?
Winston: Indeed, you can. They are part of a greater organization which you have the power to make fall.
Remember it was never elected by the people, although it was set up to help people.
At this point in time, it is not helping any country. It is corrupt and must be stopped.
Interviewer: What would you do to stop it, Winston? If you could be here today, what would you do?
Winston: I would gather a meeting of all the heads of all the nations. The member states and by the way, I cannot believe that the United States pulled out and then was drawn back into it again. Such a shame. Still, they’ll have their chance again.
Interviewer: How would you get out of it?
Winston: I would meet with all the government heads – the people that are in charge, the people that show true leadership not so much the Prime Ministers or the Premiers or the Presidents and we would begin to infiltrate and make changes as fast as we could.
We would NOT let the Pandemic law go into action.
We would encourage all other countries to vote against it.
We would gather our evidence so that all countries would vote against being inside the WHO.
Interviewer: What would you say to people that don’t understand how bad the situation is through current Government policies e.g., the C-19 vaccine? What would you say to help them to understand and what could they do.
Winston: That is a difficult question that you ask. I think we are at a turnaround point.
I think people should be told of the findings. Then it’s up to them whether they believe it or not. Nothing should be hidden from them but perhaps told in a manner that doesn’t frighten them.
I have thought long and hard about this and it is not easy. It is not easy to comprehend that so many people took the vaccine – I do not feel it was their fault. I think they were part and parcel of an evil plan that has been thwarted but almost too late.
The dangers of the vaccine are ongoing. It is clear that the agenda has not been kind to man and was planned from some time ago.
I understand there is a cure for the C-19 vaccine on the way and with caution this could come into play. That is a big hope for humanity, and we will indeed, see how this plays out.
Interviewer: To clarify, regarding the C-19 vaccine, would you encourage people to take it or not?
Winston: DEFINITELY NOT! Most definitely not. It is not to be taken by anybody: young or old, weak, or poor, immunized compromised, NO!
The vaccine is not what they say it is. It is not like the vaccines of old.
It must NOT BE TAKEN! It WILL maim and kill. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
Interviewer: Strong words Winston!
Winston: They need to be strong for people to realise the horrendous situation they are in. In time they will see the grievously bodily harm that those vaccines were designed to bring about. It is so sad. And again, makes me very cross and sad for humanity and the pain that has and will come.
Interviewer: What are your thoughts if the WHO tries to bring in vaccine passports again or a new pandemic. We were fooled well last time.
Winston: It is a dilemma; however, I do not think we will be fooled again. In fact, I am sure of this.
Interviewer: What are your thoughts then on the Digital Currency?
Winston: It is a little way off. Don’t worry about it today (May 2023) but come what may, it must be reckoned with. It is not a time to go along with that plan either.
Their wicked ways must be stopped. We cannot just go along with what they say to be true, because quite frankly it is not.
Their hidden agenda is about to be exposed. (United Nations & The WHO)
Man must do all he can to keep on his toes and stay out of the mantrap they have set. We will not be fooled again; WE must NOT be fooled again." End of interview.

"When we stick together and act as one, you will be surprised what can be won. "