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A Christmas New Year Message from John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill to Empower us today


Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | The Plan Step 15 | Part 24 | 2024-25 Christmas NY message

"Forget about what may or may not happen during these few days of joy."

Interviewer: Welcome JFK & Winston - wondering if you have a Christmas New Year message for us?

JFK: Good evening my fellow Americans or good morning as the case may be.

I wish you a joyous and restful time.

I salute you and all that you do and know that you are strong enough to face any adversary. I am still proud to call myself an American and I know you are too.

Take some family time, keep your loved ones close. Remember it’s for the children that we help you the most.

I am so proud of all you have achieved to date. Really it is not a time to hesitate.

Sadly, the oligarchs will try anything at this time. They are desperate and fleeing but have left behind evil ones to continue their work. It is not justified that they are like this, but put your heads together if in doubt and always be ready to shout. It is still not a time to sit back and be complacent.

Don’t worry you are the sublime, leading the others on where it is possible – remember some will never understand the purpose of our plan and the importance of all working as one. Truly a new life for mankind has already begun.

Happy Christmas to you all. Forget about what may or may not happen during these few days of joy. Remember it is all about quality time with your girls and boys.

 For those of you who spend Christmas alone, reflect on all that has been achieved and get ready to roll up your sleeves. Whatever happens, there is a battle ahead, but peace and calm will reign, once again.

Be strong in the face of evil. Remember they are all like weevils – disgusting creatures who have used and abused mankind. Take the time to reflect on this.

We are smiling at all the good you have done and again of the new life that has begun.

Interviewer: Thanks JFK. Winston?

Winston: As Jack said, we are proud of all that you have done and yes, peace although it seems far away, has begun.

Carry on with all that you are doing. Enjoy your family time.

Keep calm in the face of adversity & fear. Remember we are here, even though some of you don’t believe it; to guide you and keep you safe. That is the whole purpose of giving you the plan, right from the beginning; to give you hope of the future that is there, even when it feels like things are in despair.

Every day you grow stronger and the time is now to enjoy friends and family and make the most of the holidays.

Each and every one of you has played a pivotal role. You cannot see it yet, but a huge difference has been made...a huge hole in the evil ones’ plans. They will try it on with the bird flu’ pandemic but they know already that they have lost – at such a great cost.

A new year dawns near. Everyone do take care and remember we are near.

Carry on, carry on, carry on.

Happy Christmas to all. You can all be proud and stand tall.

Interviewer: JFK would you like to say anything specifically about 2025?

JFK: 2025 will not be an easy year but believe me when I say this; a new day is dawning

where the celebrations will have no end.

And remember too, victory is on our side. Follow the plan we have laid out for you. Don’t forget to practice step 3*

Happiness lies ahead, we assure you of that.

Happy holidays to all.



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