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Thoughts on Southern California & Step 16 | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill's Plan to Empower us today | Part 25


Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | The Plan Step 16 + Thoughts on the Los Angeles fires

Envisage the rubble gone and your homes rebuilt - don’t fall into the trap that ‘they’ have laid for you.

Photo credit

JFK: We are extremely saddened by the event that has occurred in Southern California, especially the loss of life.

We are hopeful that you can all rebuild.

We understand that the oligarchs (the evil ones) have marked Los Angeles as a future fifteen-minute city – which is not going to happen if you all stay strong; rebuild as soon as you can. This was all part of their plan. ‘They’ are after your land, your assets and to break you.

‘They’ will not win if you all stick together. You are mightier than ‘they’ are when you all work as one.

Diabolical as the situation is, we know you can do this. Do not give an inch.


We feel for each and every one of you. Friends and family will be happy to accommodate you in this devastating time, where evil people have done the work of ‘the slime – the oligarchs’.

Please stay strong my fellow Americans. You can do this; we know you can.

Please stick to the plan that we have laid out for you – you are now at Step 4 which opens the door to a newfound freedom, if you will let it be so.

 The rebirth of your nation begins with you and we are telling you this so you don’t sit in the darkness but can dream of the bliss that will follow.

Come what may there will come a day when the sadness you feel has long departed. We knew this year was going to be tough. We had no idea it was going to start this rough.

Return to work first if you work in the essential trades: Water services, energy/electricity, hospitals, plumbing, transport, the food industry, building industry, tow trucks/road workers, schools etc. and salvage what you can. It is dynamic what we can do.


Your neighboring communities are happy to help – just ask them and tell them exactly what you need.

Remember there are leaders amongst you that can make things happen. Don’t wait for the elected representatives to help, for some of them are evil and are following the evil ones’ plans, as sad as that may be.

We know you won’t steal from your sisters and brothers, for that is what you have become, as you now begin to work as one.


Stay safe, wait for the fires to ease and the wind to stop blowing and in the meantime share with each other like never before.

We are thankful that you are alive and we commend you for the swift actions taken.

Remember your outer communities will help. They will set up places for you to stay or if you have somewhere else to go, carry on and make your way.

We are proud of you for your bravery and we know you can carry on in every way.

As Winston always says, ‘Carry on, carry on, carry on’.

Despicable beings, ‘they’ will not win for ‘they’ have imparted a grave sin.

Be strong, get together in teams and share with each other as never before.

We are proud of each and every one of you.


Interviewer: Winston, did you want to add anything? It’s like a warzone, isn’t it?

 Winston: It is, it is indeed. We cannot believe the steps that ‘they’ have taken.

We understand you are all very shaken but we believe in you and we know you will get through this. Stay strong and work together; starting with your neighbour or the person who is closest to you in the same situation, remembering the neighbouring areas will help you.

You may have to get word out as to what you need and we know you can do this. A little bit of organization will go a long way. Use a tag system if you can, to ensure you receive the essentials required.

Work as one, show the evil ones that man has begun to see their evil ways and we will not give in to anyone that stands in our way.

Keep the children entertained. A terrible thing has occurred so let them out to play if it is safe to do so.

Please remember to read the plan. It is all there what you need to do and remember there are communities too that will help.

We wish you all the best and do take time to rest. The coming weeks will be exhausting but we know you will get through this.

Interviewer: What final advice do you have for those affected by the dreadful fires


JFK/Winston: Stay strong, be strong, follow the plan we made for you. Yes, we are emphatic about that.

Do not give in to the authorities.

Some of you have funds that can be used to rebuild the schools. Do not wait around for the authorities to assist you.

Help each other as much as you can with food, medicines and water. Yes, the surrounding communities will help you. Get involved with their true leaders & yours and get together to make a plan of how to get through this and then a rebuild is possible.

 Do not, do not, do not, let them force you into the 15-minute city saga - what a palaver ‘they’ll’ likely call it something else. Don’t be fooled – YOU own the land; YOU hold the deed to your asset. It is yours by right, do put up a fight.

It’s not going to be easy, but you can do this.

Envisage the rubble gone and your homes rebuilt. You can do this; we know you can.

Follow the rest of the steps of our plan – you will be the first to begin. Do not let ‘them’ get away with their grave sin.

‘They’ want your land and they want you gone.


Interviewer: Were the fires caused naturally?


JFK/Winston: No


Interviewer: Were they caused by Direct Energy Weapons?


JFK/Winston: Yes, they were. Most definitely.


Interviewer: Will it help people, knowing that their government was involved in this?


JFK/Winston: People need to know and react accordingly. The people are the judge and remember some won’t believe it.


Interviewer: Can people really rebuild their homes?


JFK/Winston: Yes! Yes, of course they can. It will just take time. Start with the schools and the halls. People will come from miles away to work and help on this project.

A new day dawns. Be strong and brave and don’t fall into the trap that ‘they’ have laid for you. Don’t look back. Build, rebuild and call out for what you need.


Interviewer: JFK, if it were you and you had nowhere to stay and you didn’t feel like you had friends you could call upon, where would you go?


JFK: I would go to my church or a church in the next locality and ask for assistance. People will give generously and help where they can.

Remember the authorities may not assist you as quickly as you like. Help the person closest to you and the next in your group and so on. Find the leaders who have also been affected, put your heads together – you can do this.


Interviewer: JFK, anything more to add at this time?


JFK: Work hard. Encourage each other. Essential services back online are a must (when safe).

People know things and must speak out. That’s what it’s all about.

New leaders together follow our plan. You are now at Steps 4 & 5**

Remember your friends in the safe suburbs, will be happy to help you and assist in any way they can. It is a horrific event. Do not be used and guided into living in a fence – rebuild your homes.

**Please Scroll down to Steps 4 & 5 - all steps of the plan can be read here




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