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The Plan to 'save' us | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill advise us today | Steps 1 & 2


Updated: Jan 16, 2024

John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill The Plan | Step 1 & 2 | Advising us on what we must do today.

If they could, what would these two great leaders of yesterday advise us today? Step 1 & 2 | Part 10

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The Plan

Interviewer: Welcome Winston & JFK. Please go ahead.

Winston: We are here today for many reasons. We have ‘The Plan’ ready for you.

‘Their’ plan has gone awry.

The oligarchs ‘the evil ones’ plan has gone wrong for them. They are at a loss as to what to do. But we know exactly what to do. We are happy to be here today and our plan will be revealed in this way. John (JFK) will speak next. He will provide the text of this plan of ours. Go ahead John.

JFK: Many days and nights we’ve been writing this. It comes from the heart where we help mankind because we do not want you left behind in the dark where they belong. But oh, they are very wrong. For mankind was built for the light and not to dwell too long in the darkness, that 'they' have all overcome.

Here is our plan:

We will take you through in steps. The first step we are all really proud to say, that you have done come what may, a marvellous job of naming and shaming and yes, there is more to come.

Carry on on that front. Point out all that is wrong and continue to name and shame them.

Step two we will now provide you:

Over the coming months and the coming days, you must each be strong and avoid their ways of wickedness and disgrace.

Time & time again they will come at you from different angles and corners too, to try and weaken you, divide you and force their will upon you.

Mankind is good, mankind is kind. That is why we will help you through.

Remember you must be true.

Follow in the footsteps of the great ones. It’s easier than you think - as easy as reading the pages bound in this ink.

Captivate the hearts of many, you don’t even have to spend a penny, nor write out this one thousand times. Just repeat it line by line.

Step two is where we are the ones who are quite shrewd.

Muscle down and join forces with the strongest of those around you, who know what is wrong, who still have ethics. Those who can see the good from evil. Talk to them as you talk to no other and share your hopes and your dreams in the world that you’d like. Not the one we are currently in but the one that exists without sin - where the children are innocent, away from corruption and yes, we all live in peace and harmony. Unashamed and free from the battle within.

A life of living and loving without sin.

If that’s not the life that you see, then think of another and share it with your brothers and sisters and closest of friends. This is the way that will see their end - envisaging your paradise will negate their paradigm and free us from the massive hold they have on us all.

Unseen are the chains on humanity but feel it you can and you always will, unless you stick to the plan.

Step two you must see with clarity. Find a peace within and speak aloud of the hope that is your right.

This will continue the fight and ultimately lead to the light that will penetrate through the darkness they hold true.

Interviewer: So basically John & Winston, Step two is just to talk to people that you trust about your hopes, your dreams and your wishes?

JFK: That is correct. It will do more than you think. Speaking out loud is the key to everything.

Interviewer: Hmmm. Okay. It just seems so simple.

JFK: We know, but humanity has lost their way and has lost their knowledge of the power of speech.

Interviewer: Again, it just seems too simple. I was expecting something amazing. Many of us have been shouting out about all the wrongs we have found. I know and can see that it has been working.

That was Step One of the plan?

Winston: Yes, it was. Don’t doubt us.

Interviewer: So easy in a way. I’m thinking yes, I’d love to start a new life!

JFK: Dream it. See it. Do it. This is the only way. You’ll be amazed. And come the next season, without reason, mankind really will have taken ‘one giant step for man’.

Interviewer: On that note, if you are going to use that phrase, did we go to the moon back in the 1960’s?

JFK: No, we did not. India is the first.

Interviewer: Are you sure? Cause that’s going to blow people away.

JFK & Winston: We are positive. It was all a hoax.

Interviewer: Wow. Okay that is mind blowing.

Is there anything else you’d like to add to help people understand the importance of this step; to share their hopes and dreams out loud with others?

JFK: This is enough for now. All is well and will be again. Stay strong, be strong, remember the power of one. Humanity is one. Humanity is ONE. Soon you will be saying HUMANITY WON!

Winston: Step two does seem simple but step one was simpler and look at the leaps and bounds it has made. The difference is enormous. We are proud of every one of you who has spoken out. Time now to speak of your ‘hopes, dreams and wishes’ and banish ‘them’ to the darkness where they belong. Carry on, carry on, carry on.




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