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Step 9 | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill's Plan to Empower us today


Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | Part 18 | The Plan Step 9

"Slow & steady wins the race"

Interviewer: Thank you both for being here today. Just to confirm where we are up to by this step:

Things have happened.

We are getting everything back in motion e.g. electricity, water, hospitals, some return to their work.

We are starting to rebuild our homes & schools - some with a revised curriculum.

We are watching each other’s backs as some remain who are intent on doing the evil ones’ work for them.

Where do we go from here?

JFK: Once again remember we have your back. This is not a time to fritter away the days on holiday. It is a time to continue working hard as teams, for still everything is not as it seems.

There is still evil about. Remember to shout about anything that you see so that all may know that ‘the evil’ is still to go. Shout about it indeed because there are so many in need.

 It is time to turn the tables and regain the power that has been lost.


By this time, it is summer in New York so things will be easier and food will become more readily available. No need to raid each other’s stocks – remember you are all working together and the time has come like fine wine for Step Nine to be played out.

This step is all about:

Helping one another.

Getting things back to normal.

Relying on your neighbour.

And giving up your labour to get everything up & running again.

Take heed of our warning. There are those of you who are still in danger but it’s lessening now.

The time is coming soon at this stage/step where no man will want to leave the plan.

Things are up & running now & if they’re not you need to shout to the right people in the groups you’ve formed, so that time can be allocated and these reformed.

Once again, we are proud of all you have done. It is horrific what ‘they’ have done and yet you are coming through it as one would expect - humankind is at their best. Working round the clock you’ve been, so do to take time with family but remember ‘they’ are unseen so keep each other safe in between.

Step Nine is also about taking the time we need to develop into what we were meant to be and can be again, as soon as we’re free.

It won’t be long now so hold your horses. Don’t rush ahead.

It’s together we make it and we will be free.

WinstonStep Nine is where everything becomes very clear. Still keep your loved ones near.

Work on food consumption.

Help the farmers: salvage what you can, ensure they are part of the plan.

Any growers that are near you, plant & help them prosper again, for really there is no end to this powerful surge in mankind.


Continue exporting & importing as you can.

Try & get involved with ‘The Oasis Plan’. We will tell you more of this next time in Step 10.

For now, carry on, carry on, carry on.


In Step Nine you will find that peace will come for moments. The satisfaction of your hard labour and change in mindset will bring peace & guidance to all of you.


This may be the easiest part of the plan. It’s almost like getting everything back on track but it’s a whole new world out there. As we said before, the old governments are gone and there are new ways ahead.

It’s time to take stock of all that is left, do a tally & a register of all who remain. You will suffer not, at all that is gained.

It is not easy for all the suffering that has been and will stay for some time, perhaps all-time but you can pat yourselves on the back for taking the time to try & save mankind. It is all that we will say at this point.

Help is coming but there is no time to delay. High summer it is in Britain too. Harvest that hay and all the bounty too.


Winston continues: Like mushrooms everything will grow, sometimes overnight all in tow.

You’ll be surprised when you look back at what you saw when the nights were black.

Achievements are many, carry on through.

In time you won’t believe this but there will be no trace of the evil ones who are still around, so watch your back – don’t be fooled by a clown.

Step 10 is coming soon, relax & at this stage in March ‘you know what’ is very soon: your ‘just in case’ plan may be put in place very soon.

Be aware. Keep practicing your routes, remember slow and steady wins the race.

At this point in time, we are starting again. A wonderful direction - you’ll all see from afar each other’s achievements.

You really are stars. We commend you.




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