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Step 12 | John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill's Plan to Empower us today | Part 21


Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | The Plan Step 12

"You are well on the path to being free and this is the key."

Interviewer: Welcome JFK and Winston. In the previous step you advised that the plan was going very well by this stage and we even felt more at peace within ourselves.

Could you tell us about the next step 12?

JFK: Step 12 is as easy as pie.

Everyone is settling into a new way of life without all that trouble and strife. Things are even easier now.

The evil ones are long gone by this stage and really it is as if you have all been released from a cage.

Happiness comes in bursts and you all feel that you are over the worst. This much is true and we are happy for you.

Step 12 is about taking a breath, meeting often with your friends – some new and always moving on from the days that have gone. It is a golden time where you all feel relief and again “Peace.”

At this time, you must continue to work hard to make the world the place you’d like it to be. Yes, you are well on the path to being free and this is the key.

You are still on earth (in case you wondered!) and heaven is still far away. You must carry on each & every day and make this work.

Travelers will come and go, seeking refuge where you are. Treat them as if they were a movie star for, they will likely have news from afar.

This step is all about harmony while you continue to work at a pace, paving the way for the earth’s new face.

Everything is working well like clogs in a wheel, turning nicely and if it is not, you must squeal, so others can help to make things right. It’s not a time to hold back or hold in your thoughts, it’s time to be real.

You all must continue to make plans to make your world come into reality.

Yes, peace has descended and you take a breath but things are not yet 100% right. You’ve got to keep working as a tight knit team. Friends and neighbours, work colleagues too, it is time now when dreams can come true.

Not yet a time to take a holiday but it is not far away and you can feel it too.

As things come into play, you can tick off your list all that’s been done, as you’ve worked as one.

Each small team is connected by your neighbours and friends and your colleagues too, as we’ve said before, you can each take a moment to knock on the door and check all is well... because time will tell how connected you are to each other’s life – far from hell.

Interviewer: Thanks Jack, Winston is there anything you'd like to add or say?

Winston: We are proud of everything everyone has done.

We are proud of everything everyone is doing as you write this one up. You all deserve the winning cup.

Time passes more slowly now. By this stage Step 12 you can all delve into the dreams you have of the world you want. You truly can make it a planet of dreams where dreams come true.

It really is all up to you.

Gone are the days of holding back your thoughts. Unbutton your mouth and yes really talk of the dreams you have, of the barriers you think are in your way.

Speak to everyone who’ll listen of what you’d like to see in your day.

Bravo everyone you have done so well.

Step 12 is all about getting far away from hell and beginning to live the dream that you dream; begin to believe that nothing was as it seemed.

The old life is going, you’ve got a new life flowing.

Don’t look back. Onwards you go. All of you as one.

Keep talking, keep walking, keep listening, keep smiling and enjoy this new life that has definitely begun.





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