Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | Part 19 | The Plan Step 10
All good things will come when we work as One.

Interviewer: Welcome back JFK (John) & Winston.
Just to confirm where we are at by this stage:
We put our “Just in case” plan into action some months back.
We are all working together well.
There are still people doing the evil ones' work for them & you have our backs.
Things are quickly returning to ‘normal’ in a good way.
A new direction is becoming clear.
Please continue with Step 10 for us.
JFK: Step 10 is like counting all the hens that are left in your chicken house & relying on each other, especially your spouse.
Step 10 is where things are really on track and now you know, please call me Jack.
Relying on each other is what it is all about, still going to your group leader with all that is wrong – singing it loud as if it was a song, so that soon it will be gone.
All good things will come as you continue to work as one. It is where people power really comes to the fore and all of you are aware of the score.
Rebuilding is a must. Yes, it’s about trust and all you can do as one.
Mankind has really only just begun to build a road without the evil ones.
There is more time to spend with the ones you love. Peace will descend like an ancient dove. Mankind has won but there is still work to be done.
In my vision I see you having fun, not worrying about being outdone by your neighbours, friends or peers. It is still a time to say your prayers and hope for the wonder that is soon to come.
By soon I don’t mean in a few days, but in years you will look back at these darkest days & realise how close you came to wiping out the map that was man. It’s a miracle in the making & we’ve seen that you can.
Step 10 is about carrying on the theme, getting on with the scheme of making the world that you want.
It’s about believing in yourself & others, remembering that we are all sisters & brothers.
Working together on the plan you’ve made to make heaven on Earth a powerful persuade.
You might like this:
“The light, the light, we see him now.
From the sky he takes a bow
For mankind you have won against the evil ones
Happier days ahead for sure
Don’t let this in-between time make you a bore
Have some fun
Remember to live as One
Mankind has Won”
Interviewer: Ok John, is that it for now?
JFK: It is. We are pleased with all you are doing.
It’s hard to believe that the world will change, that my country will rebirth.
It is a beautiful time, yet a time of great sorrow. Not a time to beg the bank to borrow, for they will likely say no, part of the evil ones’ plans. Sadly, it’s true.
In time banks will change & be working for man – that is all in our plan.
Interviewer: Thank you, John. Winston please continue...

Winston: Step 10. You have all come a long way and we are proud to say everything is looking good in your neighbourhood.
If you want to stay in the countryside, see if you can make it so, for it’s here that we need to make things grow.
The city life will become subdued, no one wants to work there & live there too – except in the places that have a beautiful view.
Remember don’t steal from each other – you are sister & brother.
Keep working away like a beaver at play, building, rebuilding the world that you want.
Keep seeing it in your mind’s eye.
Keep believing in the plan for without it no man will be at peace with the land.
By now the trees are bare again. Summer has gone & winter draws near.
Far way across the land where you are (interviewer), spring is coming and making you smile.
You feel all of this has taken a while but really only 6 months have passed since you heard that first blast & stole away from the evil ones.
Their evil now is lessening.
It’s time you all took a blessing; said your grace at supper time & thanked the Lord for you all being sublime (of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth) & believing in the powers that be.
Safe & sound at rest you will be.
Carry on, carry on, carry on as the beautiful people that you have become.
You’re not free yet but Freedom Has Begun.
Stay on track – don’t look back.
Remember to heed the words of Jack (JFK to some) but to those close to him, he was Jack & remember yes, we all still have your back.
Carry on, carry on, carry on.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston. You said you’d tell us more about “The Oasis Plan”.
Winston: The Oasis Plan** should be followed to the letter. It will make things seem so much better. Follow the plan and step by step like this one here, it will make great sense & honestly to us it seems heaven sent.
Make sure if you can that you sign up & listen. There’s a conference very very soon that you won’t want to be missing. Listen to that from me and Jack. It will show you the way and open a gate you won’t want to negate. Follow it, follow it, follow it when the time comes – and it’s coming soon.
**Link to watch the Oasis Plan conference Panels 1 & 2 REPLAY
We applaud you all for all that you have done.
Now go forth and enjoy the earth and its sun.
