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Should we care about Carbon tax CO2| our Farmers| our Growers | Climate Crisis?


Updated: Jan 27, 2023

The New Zealand "stop the climate crisis" Plan

Is the Emissions Reduction Plan and the Emissions Trading Scheme imperative because the Amazon Forest – the lungs of our planet is almost gone?

Or is it a money making venture – money will be made from trading “Carbon Credits”? I am guessing it’s the latter and after carbon trading comes deforestation i.e. the trees/forests they’ve planted on the ex farmers’ (or your) land will be cut down and sold for even more profit. After that the land is no longer workable for farmers or our growers.

Here in New Zealand they have introduced an “Emissions (CO2) Trading Scheme” seen as a tool to meet an unobtainable ‘emissions reduction target’ by 2050.

Hand in hand with this is the “Efficiency Trading Scheme” in charge of carbon (CO2) tax that’s collected & swapped as Carbon Credits under the Omissions Trading Scheme.

How it affects us | Not in a good way

Incredibly the bill will first affect our farmers & growers who are our top export earners for our country. Our Farmers and growers are the chosen ones for this Carbon Tax debacle. Others are affected too & next it could be us, taxed for our activities, our family homes, our land.

It’s all about CO2, apparently and how we are ruining the atmosphere by a ‘terrible increase’ in CO2 created mostly by our farm animals.

(Keep in mind this interesting fact: Methane gas (CH4) is recycled as CO2 & water and is then absorbed by plants during their lifecycle/photosynthesis. It is part of the atmosphere’s natural cycle.)

Also note, that even if the CO2 scheme was credible which it is not, New Zealand emits 0.2% of the world’s CO2 and yet we must ‘get on board’ and emit less. We must be the FIRST to lead the way! If there in ‘non-compliance’ we will pay even more in tax.

The Truth | There is NO Climate Emergency

Let’s have a look and see if there is any truth that lowering CO2 emissions will save the world from climate change.

a) Extensive research from van Wijngaardan who formally worked for the White House & colleague Happer have discovered a proven scientific method with irrefutable findings and a resultant statement from them:

“As far as from a global effect on climate, [methane] is immeasurably small”

When their computer modelling was calculated, it was compared to the corresponding satellite findings from outer space. The proof is in these graphs – they match beyond doubt, proving that methane CH4 (& N2O) vanishes in importance when all Greenhouse gasses are present.

"Given the huge benefits of more CO2 to agriculture, to forestry, and to primary photosynthetic productivity in general, more CO2 is almost certainly benefiting the world," the authors wrote. "And radioactive effects of CH4 [methane] and N2O [nitrous oxide], another greenhouse gas produced by human activities, are so small that they are irrelevant to climate."

Even doubling CO2 is not a reason to be concerned, as CO2 becomes saturated (i.e. no further atmospheric warming takes place.) You can read more on their findings here.



b) A completely different source** states that:

"Lowering CO2 emissions will NOT save the world from climate change" – see source** below:

“As CO2 has had no noticeable effect on climate in 600 million years, until 15- 20 years ago, when carbon tax was invented, any alleged climatic effects can be ignored.

I took this to mean that a liberal scientific establishment invented the idea that carbon dioxide plays a role in Earth’s climate system to support raising taxes.”

“I thought it would be useful to delve deeper into what scientists know of the link between carbon dioxide and climate over the geologic timescale and CO2’s overall role as a kind of thermostat for the planet."

"This (results of what I have found) might arm readers with some useful scientific information when they encounter people peddling politics in the name of science.

My evidence for my comment, is climate history over 600 million years, during which time, when CO2 increased, global temperature decreased, for several million years, and when CO2 decreased, global temperature increased, also for several millions of years.”

(Especially important since we are being convinced by our government that if we decrease CO2 then global warming will decrease – the opposite of scientific findings)”

Take a look at this graph:

"The graph purports to show that CO2 and climate really aren’t well linked.

Conclusion: It cannot be proven that CO2 is the sole factor driving climate changes over geologic history. As we’ve seen, however, it plays a key role: Without the CO2 thermostat, Earth would likely be a proverbial snowball.”


And this is where, once again you can see that decreasing CO2 emissions will not solve climate change.

(Incidentally the average Earth temperature is 15degrees Celsius -not that warm is it!)

In the years when CO2 was at its highest the Earth was colder! CO2 is a natural thermostat for the earth.

We cannot play God and we certainly shouldn’t be paying taxes for a fictitious tax – to line the pockets of commodities traders for speculation on a stock market. It will make no difference to the greenhouse gas effect and CO2’s role in that.

The Costly Effects of Carbon Tax to Us

Now that you can see CO2 is not contributing towards climate change (and in fact is very important to our planet, as it acts as a thermostat to the atmosphere) let’s look at what would happen if the government continued with this CO2 Tax:

1. Farmers would spend more time working out their Carbon Tax payment s and less time on the management of their actual farm

2. One in Five (that’s 20%) of sheep farms would close

3. Increased unemployment with many more losing their jobs with the flow on effect of no farm, no product, no farming equipment required, no abattoirs, no shipments, no transport required, no exports, no processing by the butcher, no meat for the butcher)

4. Competitors of our farmers overseas would have a unique advantage as they could sell their lamb/products far cheaper than NZ could.

5. There would be a drop in revenue of ‘in the millions of dollars’ in our exports, resulting in an end to the most efficient farmers in the world and an even worse balance of payments for us.

6. As farmer’s prices increase to cover this ‘CO2 Carbon tax’ our food prices will in turn increase. More food will increase in price not just Meat & Milk our staples.

7. It will have a major flow on effect and it will be us paying the increases or I hate to say this – if we can afford it..with other prices increasing e.g. petrol it’s paving the way to ‘starving us’. You do have to wonder. NO farmers NO Food is not a saying for nothing.

8. We all would likely be charged Carbon Tax a little further down the track..that’s why the government has shown us how we can work out our very own carbon footprint..yes, it’s all fun in the beginning.

Here is the gov’ts site (all up & running now) for us on CO2 | Climate Crisis

c) Perhaps these Emission CO2 Schemes are best summarised by

Don Nicolson - Ex Federated Farmers National President ***

‘Carbon tax is a money-making venture.

A lie that needs to be called out.

New Zealand is NOT adding to CO2 warming, for a start our stock levels are too low to have any effect!!!

It is unprecedented Political Abuse.

There is NO climate emergency

Greenhouse gases cannot stop the ever-changing climate’

Don states “Farming in NZ already had an ETS -an efficiency trading scheme; that's production subsidy free (since 1985) and that's an international gold standard attained by few, yet NZ wants to apply another tax on productions under the guise of a 'save the world' emission taxes!”

*** You can watch his presentation also outlining the 'good science' of CO2 & methane:

d) Further proof of the irrelevancy of methane (CH4) to Global Warming is discussed in a presentation by ****Irish Professor Thomas P. Sheahen who was interviewed this week in the NZHerald: He was also quoted extensively during Don & Jaspreet's presentation above.

In his detailed presentation Sheahen states:

'Yes CH4 does meet the definition of a Greenhouse Gas, however it is irrelevant because of:

1. The physical properties of the real atmosphere

2. The numerical realities of infrared absorption

3. The type of radiation emitted from the earth's surface."

Sheahan says "It is URGENT that this reality becomes widely known before money is poured down the drain " (BY ALL OF US!)

Sheahen's presentation explains how so many of us are understandably under the incorrect impression that there is a Climate emergency. Check out the video below @26.16mins where the IPCC models (used by governments around the world to prove the non-existent crisis) are found to be totally incorrect.

Sheahen specifically states "Do not impose faulty IPCC new regulations & laws (Carbon Tax on our Farmers."

"Good Science = Agreement between theory + experiment (exactly as van Wijngaarden have shown us.) "

You can watch Sheahen's full presentation here ****

The IPCC's (and our Governments') whole basis for a climate crisis (& imposing a Carbon Tax) are based on incorrect calculations.

Now you can see why we must say 'No' to Carbon Tax

No matter how much Carbon/CO2 tax the Government tries to force us to pay, it is a fact that Carbon is an integral part of the Earth’s atmosphere – our planet’s natural cycle of life depends on it – it should not be a target for reduction!

Even if CO2 did require to be lowered (and it absolutely does not and should not be) NZ emits less than 0.2% of the world’s total CO2 emissions.

Please, let us not be pulled into even more increases & even more taxes especially fictitious ones as the CO2 methane tax is.

Please don't buy into theGenLess site and the climate crisis advertising campaigns that appear to be aimed at ‘conditioning’ us. Yes, it is great to decrease pollution by cycling to work but that is entirely different to us all going along with the ‘Fraudulent Concept’ that Carbon Tax is.

The GenLess slogan of ‘History will remember what we do’ is perhaps apt when we remember what we have been subjected to very recently.

Let’s not be taken in by the relentless advertising and scaremongering news about ‘climate crisis’.

Our planet will do what it is going to do – regardless of its inhabitants being taxed!

Please let’s get it right, with the CO2 carbon tax and say NO.


This is a time when our Farmers & Growers need our help &

we need our Farmers, our growers and their produce!

Increasing and implementing new taxes will have no effect on the climate of our planet.

The farmers and growers are fighting Carbon Tax - will you?




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