A) Quick Read
Most countries have been approached and encouraged to introduce a form of Digital ID, Digital Currency and Digital Passports to their people. This includes USA, Australia and New Zealand. The system is a trick. A trap to have control systems in place that if introduced, will be the worst thing that has ever happened to mankind in our history.
A bold statement which at first, you may not believe.
There will be no more cash - it will be phased out completely.
The carrot is convenience while the stick: you are leaving yourself wide open to control by government and used by companies, some are likely to be foreign companies.
You may remember having to sign in everywhere with the covid passport and the seemingly less invasive QR code? The digital passport is similar but far worse.
Every time you pay for goods your transaction info will be stored. Later it is highly likely it will be sold to the highest bidder as a commodity. (You receive no payment for the sale of your valuable personal data, but others will.)
Your data may then be used by the government to track you (& worse), or it will be sold to & analysed by a company who will create a new product or service for you to buy.
Your data is worth a lot of money and is seen as a ’valuable commodity’. This may seem harmless however it is the complete opposite. A digital currency/passport is designed to bind you to a system far worse than the lockdowns we recently experienced. The opportunity for exploitation is endless. Exploitation by many entities not just our government.
Please do watch this video if you don’t wish to read further:
B) Definitions
Digital ID Digital Identification | gathers information on you. Sometimes called ‘Trusted Digital Identity’ and issued by the government.
Digital Passport a Digital Identification System that can allow easier access to your information by government e.g., the tax dept could see everything you are spending funds on as could a ‘trusted’ private company.
The digital passport may contain your passport, your drivers license, your travel documents, your ATM card, your bank account details including your loans & your private records.
It is likely to include your age, your religion, your ethnicity, your education, your blood type, your portrait & two fingerprints. It may include iris scan technology.
Digital Currency will likely become the only means of payment (unless we stop it). It is tied to your Digital ID. There will be No Cash, it is expected to be phased out quite quickly.
CBDC’s Central Bank Digital Currency – an online currency aimed at replacing cash & run by one central bank (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) not the 4 major banks we have today.
D.T.I. Digital Transformation Initiative harvests your data for use by government and private industry & is a system for buying & selling your personal data to a commercial market.
When digital currency via your Digital ID is used, a Payment System Review will exchange your private information with a Digital Identity System which is in turn, stored on the interactive Digital Atlas accessible to private companies & government.
Your freely provided information (via the use of your Digital ID) is then used to create new services or products and more profit for private companies.
Your private information may be further on sold to another possibly ‘foreign’ company or enterprise. The Digital Atlas would also store your social media data & GPS location/satellite information.
C) Will the Digital Passport really become our way of life?
Many governments, around the world (including Australia & New Zealand) already have created legislation & the framework to introduce the Digital ID that allows governments & selected companies to sell access rights to your data!
Once introduced your government may use your (freely provided) information/data as a control mechanism to control you/have you comply.
You may remember ‘no jab no job’, no travel, no school, you could be denied access to the grocery store or access to the building you work in, or worse, have no access to your bank account & hard-earned funds.
China, The Philippines, Indonesia & Sweden already have Digital ID systems in place. Cambodia and Lao PDR have already piloted a digital foundational ID system. https://starmusiq.tv/countries-with-digital-id/
CBDC’s are in place in The Bahamas & Nigeria with the USA, Canada & the European Union all currently investigating the feasibility of a digital dollar with testing in place and the groundwork for legislation laid. https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/03/09/cbdcs-these-are-the-countries-are-using-launching-or-piloting-their-own-digital-currencies

D) Current Marketed benefits of Digital Currency/Digital ID
1. Will speed up bank transfers
2. Will be convenient
3. Will give security
4. Will stop crime
5. Will make the economy more resilient, allow a recovery from Covid-19, will improve jobs & productivity, offer economic opportunities, competitiveness & will regain peoples’ trust.
E) Disadvantages of Digital Currency/Digital ID
1. No privacy: Every app you click on will be seen (by the bank & any other company your data is sold to). Your account balances and loans easily viewed, your salary, your tax paid or not, every item you buy, every visit to the Doctor, every item you bought at the grocery store or chemist, all viewed by people you don’t know or trust. A visit to the Doctor and the results of blood tests etc. will be online for on selling to medical research if wanted.
2. It creates a major Cybersecurity risk where your private data can be stolen and on sold to more unknown people or companies. Your private data is extremely valuable to large corporations like Microsoft, The World Bank, large Media companies and you guessed it large Pharmaceutical companies.
No one can guarantee your personal information is safe and protected. No one.
3. You will have No Cash to gift the children, grandchildren, gift or reward people, or even send someone to the shops for you. It is highly likely that once the Digital Passport System is up & running, our access to cash via ATMs/Cash Machines and Banks will cease altogether.
4. You will be ‘Open to manipulation’ via the government and other companies e.g., Insurance companies would have access to all your private records including speeding fines & medical records.
All your personal information/data would be shared, meaning companies have access to your tax details, whether you paid a dog license, what you bought at the chemist, your gym subscription, details of your telephone bill, what you bought at the jewelry store, the beauty clinic. The list is endless.
With Digital I.D. our money will be linked and likely used against us especially by corrupt governments & agencies. They will have the technology to enforce & control how our hard-earned dollars are spent.
5. A digital ID will easily exclude people from society/communities as they did in the pandemics from restaurants, playgrounds, sports etc.
6. Elderly people will have to learn how to use online banking or trust someone else to do it for them. This is not safe or secure!
7. Our Financial markets could easily be manipulated for example, a negative interest rate situation could be manipulated/created, allowing the government authority to seize any funds you have. There go your savings. This scenario is explained here: https://fb.watch/iyjB62oUI9/?fs=e&s=cl

F) How you can Stop this easily
1. You can use Cash for everything. If a shop refuses to take your cash for payment, then leave without purchasing. Shop elsewhere. Educate the retail assistant - tell them why you are using Cash.
The government and other entities cannot gain & use info on you when you pay cash.
2. Invite others to use cash.
3. If you own a store offer a discount for cash payments – after all you won’t be charged
eftpos or credit card fees for that sale.
4. Print & hand out the brochure in this link explaining why you are using cash.
5. Watch the excellent video also on this link about the whole Digital Identity Scheme. (I
htt highly recommend watching this.) https://reignitefreedom.com/initiatives/digital-id/
h tps://renitefreedom.com/initiatives/digital-id/https://reignitefreedom.com/initiatives/digital-id/
G) What ‘Banks & Governments’ need to do for The Digital ID system to exist
1. Stop us from using Cash.
They are already putting this into action by removing ATMs, having no cashiers/tellers at Banks, closing branches, making it very difficult/delaying giving out cash at your request (must wait 2 days as not enough cash kept at the branch) not accepting or selling Foreign Cash, making it cumbersome for businesses to get access to cash even for petty cash/day to day expenses.
One day we may go to the Bank/ATM or Supermarket to find they are ‘temporarily’ closed. We all know what it’s like if we are paying by a bankcard and ‘Eftpos is down’ & we don’t have any cash. This has already happened and during Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand many of the ATM’s and banks were closed for some time after.
2. They must bring in Facial recognition – Air New Zealand already has this in place in Los Angeles. To enter the United States, you already freely give your fingerprints!
3. They must be allowed to use AI to gather information that they can share (yes AI is your smartphone, street cameras, smart TVs, carbon footprint tracking via cars, airports, smart appliances, smart streetlights.) This is already in place.
4. Reintroduce and include the Vaccine Passport in your Digital ID. The danger here is that if you don’t want a vaccine or booster or one for your child ‘they’ may cut you off from your bank account access or worse.
5. They will want to introduce new pandemics or use a catastrophe to ‘scare’ us into accepting a Digital ID. They will use our good ‘citizen’ nature to put our own peer pressure to work on us. They will encourage us to inform on others (our friends and neighbours) who are not seen as compliant to a new digital system/passport.
H) How you can Stop this even more effectively.
Yes, some are ‘not so easy’.
1. Use Cash for everything.
2. Do not use facial recognition.
3. Do not use the covid scanning app or any app for contact tracing including the Bluetooth app.
4. Do not use any QR code.
5. Do not allow the vaccine passport/certificate to be reintroduced – Have our government commit to this. You can do this by starting a petition or by signing an existing one like this one:
6. Do not use surveillance systems in your home.
7. Use hard wired internet connections not Wi-Fi.
8. Find a good well managed local bank or a people owned bank like the Cooperative Bank, Kiwibank or a credit union. In New Zealand all the major banks are owned by foreign banks who in turn are owned by a conglomerate of different banks &/or entities. For example, the Bank of New Zealand is owned by National Australia Bank who in turn has Black rock as one of its owners. You can see for yourself who owns which bank in this link.
9. Do not use smart phones (Could be the hardest one on the list). Install a landline.
10. Demand that your country exit the W.H.O World Health Organization who are using the health care systems to facilitate the Digital ID/Currency Plan. America almost succeeded in exiting this.
11. Warn your family & Friends now, not when it’s too late. You can use the brochure and Video from this link to help discuss it. https://reignitefreedom.com/initiatives/digital-id/

I) The Plan | We can Stop the plan by Knowing their Plan.
Here’s what we know of their Plan - you can see it is well underway:
1. Hold a fake pandemic/s and create fear in humanity. They have completed this for 2022.
2. Have ‘trusted by humanity’ allies who can be paid off or threatened with license or job loss to follow their plan e.g., Medical Boards & Doctors, Movie stars, Influencers. Completed
3. Mandate the vaccine so that if humans wish to travel, work, socialize, visit Granny in the rest home, go to loved one’s funerals they must get the vaccine. Completed.
4. Introduce an app used by everyone to scan in wherever they go. Remember the QR codes we all scanned in on just to enter the supermarket? Completed
5. Introduce vaccine passports. Completed.
6. Humiliate & harm the human race by having them wear masks. Completed
7. Introduce lockdowns so that local and small businesses fail. Completed.
8. Introduce legislation under the cover of Pandemics or Emergencies to allow a Digital Identity future. Completed in Australia, New Zealand + many other countries.
9. Introduce pandemics and crises to scare us into accepting NO CASH & instead accepting a Digital ID & Digital Passport as a must have. i.e., just a big trick.
Please be aware that the current financial system crises could easily open the door for the introduction of a digital Id & Currency system. Please stay alert and say 'NO!'
J) General Comments | Yes this will happen unless you can step up to play your part.
· Today, getting rid of Cash presents a serious hurdle to surveillance and their plans. They cannot easily see what you are buying or spending time on when you pay with cash. There will be none of your ‘bank data’ to on sell & make a profit on. Use cash!
· Make no mistake, this is not about your security or convenience - it’s a money-making venture. https://podtail.com/en/podcast/the-good-sauce/alexandra-marshall-digital-identity-the-point-of-n/
· Sadly, the recent pandemic was likely a pretext to bring in the infrastructure for Digital I.D. The c-passports required to enter restaurants, cafes etc. with QR code scanning, opened the door to control & surveillance. https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/government/identity/2016-national-id-card-trends
· Behind all this is the World Health Organisation, backed by the unelected World Economic Forum urging our governments to hurry this along and build trust with their citizens. Our health and wellbeing are fast becoming a moneymaking venture, it is not about caring for and aiding humanity, despite what is on their websites.
· Most of us still don’t realise the gravity of the situation. Once in place it will be near impossible to tear down. Everyone is captured once cash is gone & we are left with a Digital I.D. system designed to control you from the cradle to the grave.
· Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair at the first 2023 WEF conference at Davos, called for a Digital National Infrastructure including Digital Vaccine Passports. He called for countries to assist other countries in developing & advancing the infrastructure.
K) Failures/Flaws in their Plan | There is a lot of hope here.
1. The time saver advantage in receiving bank-bank transfer proceeds is not of concern to 99% of us.
2. Some of us like the feeling of having cash in our wallets and enjoy paying with it. We are fine with using cash.
3. Every ‘digital check’ in their proposed Digital passport & Currency system gives us a chance to change our mind on buying something or walk away completely. The digital purchase is less likely to happen.
4. We do not require their D.ID system. Our economies will recover when trade frees up more, not tightens.
5. Their ‘research’ showed that an advantage of Digital ID was to offer economic opportunities. The research was completed in developing countries like Nigeria not cities like London, Sydney or New York. Any economic advantage is doubtful as everything would become centralized resulting in our imports & exports being strangled. This is an important point for all of us not just our country's producers,
6. Using the recent pandemic to claim we require a Digital ID Framework is a lie. A lie to scare us into accepting a permanent surveillance state. Governments have already lost trust. Many of us are aware of the harm and deaths that have occurred because of the pandemic and the worldwide vaccine response. People have suffered greatly and will not likely be fooled again.
7. ‘They’ wish to tie the Digital ID system in with ‘Climate change’ to promote ‘sustainability’ however there is so much indisputable proof out there, that Climate Change is a hoax, that this is unlikely to gel with most people. ** For example, under a Digital framework, our ‘climate choices e.g., choosing a petrol driven car over electric’ may be seen as negative to what the government wants & could penalize us on having a home loan approved.
8. The trusted digital I.D system is open to hackers and cyber security attacks. There is no safety for us or the companies involved!
L) Are we overreacting! NO! Here’s why:
· Tony Blair former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom stated this year that he envisaged ‘many new vaccines soon to be introduced’. This is a ‘red flag’ that our private medical data will be tracked & monitored -a global ‘digital infrastructure’ would be required to monitor who is vaccinated & how many boosters had been received. Blair was spelling out what we can expect.
· In addition, Blair has encouraged countries to assist other countries ‘to hurry things along’ in implementing a Digital ID system.
· A patent has already been approved, proposing digital surveillance to be used on citizens to have them ‘vaccinated’ depending on our location including church venues. The patent allows the allocation of a score to each of us that defines “Our potential level of super-spreading for each attended activity”.
A score system is in place with heavy surveillance. Covid tracking is already linked to the Digital ID.
A recent example of government control via the Digital ID, is when a group of peaceful protesters could not travel, as funds were suddenly made unavailable to them. The protest was deemed inappropriate by the government - they were all blacklisted & trapped within the digital system.
China has also introduced a ‘Code Red’ Status. The government can switch your status any time that they feel you are acting ‘out of line’. You will be escorted to a quarantine camp, where you will have to spend time and which you will foot the bill for!
Even before a Digital ID system is introduced, the government flexed its ‘control’ muscles. The Government blocked the Canadian people’s crowd funding page especially set up to help the truckers protesting. In addition, the truckers own personal bank accounts were frozen.
A bank in Canada has become the first in the country to launch a credit card that tracks a customer’s carbon emissions, amid concerns that such a scheme could one day be used to restrict purchases. https://www.globalresearch.ca/canadian-bank-launches-credit-card-linked-carbon-emissions/5799804
This year all 193 member countries of the World Health Organisation have been urged to introduce the Digital ID passport as quickly as possible. We are members! The USA resigned from the W.H.O some years ago however Biden stopped this. https://www.who.int/countries/
Many countries already have chosen cities to trial a new 'Digital ID system' this year.
Remember our sovereignty (our rights and authority as our own self-ruling nation) will be nonexistent if we accept a digital identity system. And without national sovereignty you will lose your own individual sovereignty (the right to make your own decisions).
You will be in a prison far worse than the lockdowns we have all experienced
A net of deceit & technology is being built around us with our freedom & privacy at stake. Our sovereignty (our rights and authority as a self-ruling nation) will be nonexistent if we accept the digital identity system.
Without national sovereignty, you personally will lose your individual sovereignty (the right to make your own decisions - financial & otherwise).
You will be in a prison far worse than the lockdowns we have all experienced.
With a Digital ID system there is a real risk of exclusion from society and more inequality - all for the offer of convenience and a debatable improvement to security/safety issues. Yes it is a trap.
The way out of this is to:
· Use cash.
· Say no to systems like Digital Currency and challenge authorities about technologies that are not in our best interest. This is not a time to stay silent. This is not a time to do nothing.
· Leverage yourself to detach from any system of technocratic control like the Digital ID system.
· Create & become a part of a community that we can rely on for cooperation, food & trades. Doing this will mean we do not get caught in this net.
· Reject systems like Digital Currency and challenge authorities about technologies that are not in our best interest.
We cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security.
Digital ID’s will be sold to us as something wonderful or a must have and/or because so much fear has been instilled in us due to a recent or upcoming ‘event’ or crises e.g. a pandemic, a weather event or a financial crisis.
We must be strong, voice our concerns, speak out and be aware of what’s happening around us – particularly in the banking arena.
Please don’t give in to any resulting peer pressure from those who don’t yet understand the trap they and all of us could fall into.
If we don’t stop this, it will happen! START USING CASH TODAY!
Please do take the time to watch this documentary called State of Control, it is well worth it. ***Must Watch*** https://debunkproductions.com/ ***Must Watch***
And if you are a Russell Brand fan then you may want to watch this one as well https://drtrozzi.org/2023/03/08/russell-brand-explains-digital-enslavement/
23rd July 2023 Update **** This article is excellent **** How Your Future Is Being Decided for You
Photo Credits: 1. https://home.solari.com/ 2. https://twitter.com/JamesMelville
Great article! I noticed a typo in No. 3 under section F) How you can Stop this easily...
"3. If you own a store offer a discount for cash payments – after all you won’t be charged
eftpos or credit card fees for that sale."
What is "eftpos"?