Winston Churchill | Part six | Continues to advise on what we must do today
If this world leader could be interviewed today, what would he say?
Interviewer: Anything new for us today Winston?
Winston: Great progress has been made. You all have them (the oligarchs, Mr Global, call them as you wish) running here, there and everywhere.
Interviewer: That is good news!
Winston: ’Helter-skelter’* are the words that come to mind. We are clapping our hands with glee here.
There is not a moment to waste for they are carrying on at a horrendous rate.
War is upon us now.
A war against the fate of mankind and they indeed have not been kind at all or in any way.
They want to stamp their mark of the beast indeed upon all hearts, but they will not win.
There are too many of us. Shine your light and on you go, even though it seems ever so slow. The patterns that they weave in time, certainly show up all their slime.
Come what may, mankind will have its day.
* in headlong and disorderly haste / in a haphazard manner / without regard for order / carelessly hurried / confused / disorderly / tumultuous disorder / confusion
Interviewer: Thank you! Anything else to add Winston? For the leaders – our leaders?
Winston: The leaders are being very brave. We are impressed and from here we wave & congratulate them all on their success. Their bravery has seen them get out from under their desks.
For slaves you all cannot be, or it will be the end of humanity.
Take the time to think about this and all will end in mankind’s bliss.

Interviewer: Is that all your advice to our leaders Winston?
Winston: Carry on, carry on, carry on, you are doing great. Don’t be surprised or feel that you have come in late.
All that mankind is and can be – you have opened the door for us to be free.
Carry on shouting out, pointing out and bringing on the blame to them. They hide in their fancy houses and estates, not realizing that they have made a huge mistake in thinking that mankind was a plaything for them. It is they that have been put to the test. Banish them and punish them.
In time you will see, it was very close for humanity, but you must carry on the way that you are: shouting their names, for it is them to blame not mankind.

Our plans are coming to a head, more is to come. Nothing to dread. We will be delighted to hear that with all our prayers, we will soon put an end to all of this.
Yes, there will be bliss.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston. That gives us a lot of hope to keep on talking, naming and shaming them.
There are a lot of us who are really worried about Digital ID’s, Digital Currencies &
15-minute cities, manufactured starvation etc. Any advice on this yet?
Winston: Yes, resist it! I have more information coming – it won’t be long. Do try and be strong. You can beat them at this game. Don’t worry you have the power to inflame and inflict pain on them. You will not be cornered – just wait for the plan.
We are aware of what they are trying to do-put you all in a zoo. Just wait and we won’t hesitate to guide you.
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking. That’s all for today.
