Winston Churchill | Part five | Advice on what we must do today
If this world leader could be interviewed today, what would he say?
Interviewer: Winston, from the things I am reading, it feels like things are getting better, what do you think?
Winston: Yes, yes, we are making steady progress. Yes, I too am pleased. There is a long way to go yet. If people can just keep talking, it will make such a difference.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston. My questions today are:
What else should we focus on? So far you have identified some of ‘their’ planned crises:
· Businesses are failing.
· Exports are halted.
· Food crises are created.
· Another pandemic
· Many people in power are corrupt in our governments, the World Health
Organisations, the United Nations and the list goes on.
Winston, should we also be worried about nuclear war?
Winston: Yes, we should always be worried about nuclear war.
Our plan continues: The time has come to say goodbye to all the old ways of thinking.
Things are heating up and there are many times that I will say this:
We must keep talking about the wrongs being done to mankind.
Many times, it will come to this - that it will seem that they are taking the piss.
A terrible sorrow will be upon us soon if we don’t step out of this gloom.
Many times, they will try it on.
We must keep rejecting them and then all their plans will come to naught.
Honestly, you’ve got to ask yourself what’s it all about? They rub their hands together in glee in the hope that all of man will flee.

Interviewer: How are our real Leaders coming along?
Winston: Come what may, the strong leaders have come forward and are about to play their greatest hand against those who care not for the fate of man.
Together we are making progress.
You will see from time to time a new battle against mankind. They are despicable and they despise you all.
Don’t worry, the parts to our plan will continue and one by one ‘they’ the oligarchs will be foiled.
As more people stand up and shout out all the wrongs ‘they’ will crumble and fall.
Slowly but surely, you will get your way; 'they' will be gone and you will be free of them.
But for now, please take heed, 'they' are coming at you all with speed. 'They' have nothing to lose and everything to gain and they want to cause even more pain.
“'They' will try and succour you all in, send you round in a spin, clatter you with so much din that you won’t even know what is happening.
Stay strong, be strong. Stay on the look out for the anomalies, most of all stick together. Things that don’t seem right, are very likely, not right. They are designed to confuse and divide you all.
Show support for the leaders who are shouting out. These leaders will soon have even more clout as people begin to gather at their feet.
The oligarchs will soon disembark like the sharks that they are.
Slowly, slowly the pendulum swings. 'They' have planned for centuries to bring their own rulers across the planet, bamboozle all as if 'they' care, but really, 'they' laugh in the face of their fears.
What’s coming next is out of control, but we have planted many moles, to take them down and scare them off.
In conclusion I repeat: Keep talking to each other about all the wrongs you find.
You are making a difference.
More advice is coming soon.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston. Look forward to that.
