Winston Churchill | Part four | Advice on what we must do today
If this world leader could be interviewed today, he would say:
"The progress has been slimmer than hoped. It really is time to begin. The chapters of your planet are coming to a close unless we can wake up these people with a hose."
Interviewer: What?? Winston, what do you mean wake them up with a hose? Do you mean like.. with a firehose?
Winston: I do. I do indeed. So, for now carry on. The plan must continue for us to succeed, we must keep talking. This is the way to see ‘them’ walking out of our lives for good. Keep talking to those in your neighbourhood.
Your fellow man must begin to understand that this must be done, although it’s no fun. Speak about the wrongs and shame them and name them. There is no going back, not a time to hide, there is still a risk we will all become fried. It is no joke. Carry on, carry on, carry on.
The power of speech is beyond our comprehension but in time you will see. You will see.
Interviewer: Thanks Winston. You know, it’s not easy to actually talk about things. You’re saying a post on social media is good, however actual speech and talking to each other is key to our success - as is naming and shaming them.
Winston: Yes. There will come a day when you won’t regret this. I mean it when I speak of bliss. The winds of change are upon us now. It’s no time to hide.
Interviewer: I understand. While I have you here, what is your opinion on the Canadian Fires?
Winston: Total bullshit. Manmade fires - sadly, this is true. All part of their plan to get rid of you. The power of their destruction is great. We have seen it all before. We can defeat them and more.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston. Did you want to talk about Robert Kennedy Jr at all?
Winston: Only to say he is a great man. Very strong, great strength. He is the man that I would back in this present tense.
Slowly, slowly the pendulum swings and we are proud of him for many things.
Interviewer: Do you think people will be put off by his throat condition?
Winston: Probably. But it makes no difference – he is a great man.

Interviewer: Do you have any other advice today?
Winston: There is more to the plan than this. For now, keep it simple and remember the bliss that is to follow. I know it’s hard to swallow, these are difficult times but each and every one of you is and can make a difference. I have no doubt about that.
To the leaders, the true leaders of your nations: It is time to pick up the batten.
Speak aloud to your people, your followers.
It is time to fight for what you want for everyone.
The time is now.
Interviewer: With the oligarchs comes temptation e.g., they will try and bribe us to do all sorts of things that we wouldn’t normally do. Is that correct?
Winston: Yes, it’s all part of their plan but for now keep talking, naming and shaming. We will worry about that further down the track.
Interviewer: It’s hard to know who to trust Winston. Any advice there
Winston: For now, trust your friends, the ones who have never let you down, the ones that believe in you. Speak out loud of all your concerns. Don’t be frightened. You will see this will make an enormous difference to you and me and everyone on the planet. It’s so important.
Interviewer: Is there anything else you’d like to say?
Winston: There are leaders out there that you can trust. You probably know them and know that you must believe in them for they are doing good, even in your very neighbourhood.
Interviewer: Do you wish to name anyone?
Winston: I can name them easily at this stage. Just talk to each other. You’ll see.
Carry on talking and remember the power of speech. Really that is why church leaders often preach.
All at once this will come together. You’ll be surprised, you’ll all want to clap your hands with joy for you will have beaten their little ploy. Not so little in reality.
They have you all hurrying and scurrying about your business.
They are creating problems & catastrophes wherever they can, just to keep frightening all of man.
Stick together and fight in this way, you really will see it come what may.
Remember also come what may, I am here by your side fighting this battle. They cannot treat you like a herd of cattle.
Talk, talk, talk to each other, it is the only way. There is more to come but for now, carry on.
Interviewer: Thank you Winston.
Winston: There is more to come - this isn’t the only part of the plan. Don’t worry, we’ve got this. If we can all act as one, we will be the ones who have won.
