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John F. Kennedy & Winston Churchill's Plan to Empower us today | Step 6


Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy | Continue their plan for us | If they could what would they advise us today | Part 15 | The Plan Step 6

"Rebuilding Together"

Interviewer: Welcome John & Winston. Are you ready with Step 6 of your plan for us?

Winston Churchill: We are indeed and again we commend you all for your actions & bravery to date. This step is on actions "after the event has occurred". John will do most of the talking today.

John F. Kennedy: Step 6 is when the path is made clear.

It is when we see the light again. Like out of a tunnel, we begin again.

Sad faces are all around. They will abound as we begin again.

Filling in spaces and building up places we rebuild our homes with enormous speed, offering our hands to those who plead, getting on with it with enormous speed.

Time to set up a planning committee in each and every one of our cities. Start small with a friend, we will guide you through. It will only take one or two till the others join in. An assessment begins.

Try and keep the children distracted and free from harms way but do let them all play – for the horrors they see, and you do too, will make them wonder how they can help too.

Through the days and nights that come to pass, remember that the old world was a big farce.

It is time to rebuild as mankind should be. Time to listen up but do not flee, for everything is there for you to rebuild and forge a new path ahead.

Sadly, you will see that many are dead.

Set up teams as if it was a war zone. First things first, you will know what to do. A horrid situation, it is all askew, but it won’t take long, the building blocks are strong.

Remember in the darkness there soon becomes a time when all of this will seem sublime.

Do not dwell on this 'sadness' before the fact. Put it in the back of your mind. Enjoy the coming days ahead and yes you will see that many are dead.

Keep your loved ones close, remember the plan. Practice your escape routes, it is coming soon.

So, Step 6 is all about working together like birds of a feather.

‘As One’ you can do this' using everyone’s strengths and commitment to rebuild a modern man. That is the plan.

We’re here to help you all along, just remember to stay strong.

The children will be fine, let them help where they can with laughter and play.

A terrible thing has happened, now let’s get it out of the way.



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